Bowl Lifter and Dumper Archive
Automated working cycle Reliable and safe
In addition to SOC double columns lifter-dumpers and to SRC lifter-dumpers on bench, Mixer has introduced BLT line to complete the lifter-dumper range. BLT F AUTOMATIC lifter-dumpers are robust and versatile, designed to cater for the different requirements of artisan bakers and confectioners, and can be used both with MIXER removable bowl models as well as with models made by other manufacturers.
The BLT F AUTOMATIC can lift bowl trolleys and dump their contents in line with the axis of the loading direction, to the opposite side.
The lifter functions on automatic when lifting and on a timed programme for stops for offloading of dough. The lifter has been provided with a protection cage to guarantee safety.
The column can be relocated to a different side to avoid congestion.
Special requirements or features of production lines are not a problem: MIXER technical personnel and designers can use their experience to provide clients with tailored solutions to suit their requirements.
BLT F AUTOMATIC lifters can be fitted with special connections for non-MIXER trolleys, as well as with dough scraping devices, bowl rotation with timer, dough discharge chute, infrared barriers to regulate access and the structure can be manufactured partially in stainless steel, with intermediate discharge height to its maximum height.
CAPACITY: 300 kg – 280 I