The Ray-o-matic and Radiant-Ray Roasters are the top choice for a company seeking a low-cost, high-quality roaster . These roasters assure uniform roasting with maximum flavor development. You will get the best-looking, best-tasting nuts – in your choice of 2,000 pounds per hour or 1,000 lbs/hr, fully automatic Ray-o-matic or manual Radiant-Ray models. Uniform color penetration, fast heat transfer, minimal fuel usage & precision roasting in a continuous, automatic operating cycle make our roaster an excellent choice for nut processors to provide a high quality product to their customers. The Ray-o-matic or Radiant-Ray Roasters are factory pre-wired and program-tested for immediate, trouble-free operation. And since coolers are necessary in most applications, we offer a variety of models to meet your processing and plant lay-out requirements. These machines are the top choice in the industry for fully roasting or drying peanuts, almonds, pistachios, Japanese peanuts, sesame, pumpkin & sunflower seeds, and other similar types of nuts, seeds and grains, shelled and/or unshelled.