The lobe depositor model DLV is a compact and versatile machine, designed to cope with the ever more diverse needs of the market. It is indicated for the production of wire cut biscuits and smooth batters on trays and it can be used to deposit cakes or fillings as well.
The depositor model DLV is made up of a belt conveyor for trays and of a vertical moving head. The depositing system with feed rollers and individual lobe pumps ILPS (Individual Lobe Pump System) makes it possible for the machine to accurately deposit a wide range of fluid, dense and whipped mixes, also containing small solid particles (eg. pieces of nuts, chocolate).
All the machine functions are PLC controlled and the working parameters relating to every product are easily programmable by the operator on an interface panel provided and storable for quick retrieval. The DLV depositor complies with the current standards of sanitation and security: the hopper, feed rollers, lobe pumps and nozzles can be easily stripped down to consent thorough cleaning while the main structure can be washed down with water jet; all the moving parts have protection guards in stainless steel with safety switches.